Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Summer is over.

Summer is over and boy was it full!
We played dress up with the in laws.

Aren't they gorgeous!

Josiah, Stephanie, and Jonah came to visit and we went to legoland. Jonah loves the water!

He is so fun.

He is getting so big.

Angela and family also came for visits. Amara and Aidan at Legoland.

Adria and Aidan sightseeing.

The kids are growing so fast!

Rory's birthday. Everyone came. It was a great day. We also celebrated Yara and Tony's Birthday.

Rafa and Andrea are getting married! Woo Hoo!

Mom, Shawna , and I having fun.

Adrias 10th birthday. She is now double digit. Amara celebrated by having surgery.

We had the morning in the hospitol and the evening with a quiet party.

She had a bigger friends party a few days later.

Syvia got married, Mario officiated.

Circus sideshow theme. Very Fun.

Beautiful bride. Mike looked good too.

Jim's sisters came for some fun with grandkids visit.

Jim and Amara.

Adria and Trenton.

Grandpa and Aidan waiting to get started.

Amara's freind at her birthday party.

Aidan having fun.

Jonah getting to meet the new addition to the family.

The balloon release tradition.

Amara's favorite birthday preasant.

So Cute.


Happy 7th Birthday Amara.

Digging a hole in our frontyard. Josiah getting help from Jonah and Caleb.

Caleb getting tired.

Leanna and Caleb posing in front of our pool.

Jonah loves the beach.

We made it through another summer. It was awesome! We all feel like this picture but it's a good tired. Thankyou God for my husband, for family, the beach, and a country as great as ours to enjoy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Heaven is a little bit closer at the beach.

I almost got a good picture of Jim. Aidan had dressed him up for battle and Jim fell asleep. I got my camera and turned it on which woke Jim and he ripped it off as fast as possible. So this is the closest I could get to embarrassing him.And now to the beach.
Adria and Amara playing in our front yard.

Does it get any prettier than this?

Adria coming up with another idea. I see this alot.

They never get bored.

Look at what I get to do all the time.

Aidan started this game when he was only 2. He would run up to the wave and yell, "Stop!". He really thinks he is the boss. He now has the girls doing it.

Another "Stop!".

The kids climbing trees.

Mommy and baby. Aidan was fasinated. Next week I get to take Jonah to the beach! Joe and Steph are coming for a short vacation. I am dying to see what Jonah thinks of waves and sand. They are also going to Legoland. Jonah is going to flip!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Catch up!

Hi, I am so far behind in posts but things have been hectic. So here is a short catch up.Jim and maybe future son in laws put in a french door where a sliding glass door used to frustrate all passers. Very big project but so worth it. Jonah can come and go as he pleases and feels all powerful going in and out all by himself.
Amara in her swim class. Doing very well!

E. J. 's 1st birthday. Big party, very cool!

Adria graduating her swim class to the next level, got to ring the gong. Next stop, the Olympics!

New condo at the beach. Lots of feather bed sleeping after a day of playing in the surf. Adria and Aidan sound asleep. So cute!
Lots of changes in our lives.